Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day is Such a Trickster

The weird thing about Memorial Day is that it is deceiving. Deceiving in the fact that it is a Monday dressed up like a Sunday.

I am almost too exhausted to think right now, but I had to discuss the wonderful weekend I just returned from. I spent the past 3 days on a lake in The Promised Land (aka Oklahoma, in case you're out of the loop). I was ON A BOAT! I honestly can't remember the last time I had so much fun or laughed so hard. It also helped me to remember the value of making new friends and catching up with old ones.

I also had a major life accomplishment while at the lake. For those who are close to me, you know about my deathly fear of all water sports. And I mean ALL water sports. Let's just say that my friends always joke that doing cannonballs off the boat is my idea of a water sport (and they're right). But, this weekend was different. I'm not sure what came over me, but I decided to try wake boarding! I'm sure it was incredibly unimpressive to those who watched from the boat, considering I never even made it all the way up, but I am ecstatically proud of myself for even trying. I conquered my fear and that is what matters :)

Sorry there are no pictures to share today. There is a good video of last night's festivities floating around out there, but I'll leave that to someone else to make it an internet sensation...

P.S. ghost stories...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Day With Miss Mindy

Today, I got a real treat. And no, I am not referring to the premier episode of "So You Think You Can Dance," even though I am EXTREMELY excited that my favorite show is back for a brand new season (it truly feels like summer because of it). No, the treat I am referring to was my day volunteering with my friend Mindy's 4th Grade class.

Since the school year is winding down, they're looking for ways to entertain the kids. So, the 4th Grade teachers scheduled a play day in the park for today, and last week Mindy asked if I would mind coming to help. I accepted (obviously) and it ended up being a very entertaining and fun day.

Along with witnessing Mindy and some of the girls in her class school (no pun intended) a bunch of little boys in a soccer game, I also came away with a few photographic gems, including the one below.

That would be Mindy, another one of the teachers, and a couple of their kids climbing a giant rope mountain. This was taken from my place on the swings, which has always been my FIRST CHOICE on the playground.

I was so impressed by how in control and assertive Mindy was with her kids. And although they all obviously respect her authority, there is a nice camaraderie between them. The "cool girls" in her class are especially funny. I even got to see their dance from the talent show, which in case you are wondering was set to "Telephone" by Lady Gaga and Beyonce...and yes, their performance was complete with the rap section performed by their lead dancer. Quite the little stars! Kids are so funny.

Out of my seven best friends two of them are elementary school teachers and, as of today, I have gotten to visit both of their classrooms to see them in action. Shouldn't I get some kind of friendship award for this???? I sure think so :)

I will now return to watching So You Think You Can Dance and packing for my weekend at the lake.

Happy Memorial Day, kids!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Hills Are Alive...

The newest episodes of The Hills and The City aired last night. In case you missed it (which you should be really ashamed of), Brody Jenner introduced a new GF on the show. Her name is Mckaela...the irony is not lost on me.

I have had what I will momentarily refer to as an "eternal crush" on Brody since his first appearance on The Hills waaaaaaay back in my Sophomore (????) year of college. In my opinion, he is too beautiful for words.

I would also like to note that The City is far superior to The Hills. Every episode I feel like I'm being thrown into the high fashion world of NYC...basically my dream come true. I'll thank Olivia Palermo for that one. And not to mention Whitney Port is my celebrity alter ego/girl crush.

I told myself I wasn't going to shop for anything new until I go to NYC at the end of the summer because, quite frankly, I don't need any new clothes. But, I can't help but stalk this Worn-In Denim Vest from J Crew. I haven't looked at their website in a few weeks, but I think my wardrobe is begging for this to wear over dresses. Oh, and in case anyone was worried, my nylon anklets arrived in the mail yesterday :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New York, New York

When I woke up this morning, I felt like discussing the recent Royal Scandal involving the Duchess of York Fergie. But, after having my breakfast, I'd rather talk about usual...

Every year, in the late summer, my Mom travels to NYC to spend a week or two working and playing. She is a well-known and talented ballet teacher around our home state, and generally has students studying in the Big Apple at various summer programs. She enjoys being able to combine a vacation to the greatest city in the world (in my limited opinion) with the support of her students.

Two years ago, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to go with her. It was a lovely 9 day stay and we got a lot of quality time for just the two of us. Last summer, she took her sister, Val. Then his year she decided she should give my sister, Valerie, the chance to have her mother/daughter trip. But, after all the craziness the last couple of months, they graciously invited me along. I absolutely can't wait.

In preparation for our trip, Valerie and I are on the search for a few items that we'll need to complete our wardrobes for the trip. Our dream is that we'll get stopped and photographed by The Sartorialist while we're there. If you love fashion and you aren't familiar with his blog (, GET FAMILIAR! It really is addicting. Not to mention, he's running a Vintage Photo Contest right now that adds even more interest to the site. I'll give Valerie the credit for introducing me to that :)

One of the things I decided would really top off my closet for the trip is a pack of J Crew's Nylon Anklets.

They're shown here in the grey hue, but I ordered the hot pink/turquoise/yellow combination. I discovered the value of this look two years ago when one of my best friends, Halie, had a French-themed birthday party. I wore turquoise heels with white children's socks, and was surprised by how adorable it looked.

Another thing I am on the search for is a great cocktail ring. A few weeks ago, my friend Casey (always the fabulous risk taker) wore the coolest raw turquoise ring. I was immediately dying to know where she got it. Turns out it is by Elizabeth Carlock (, who is a jewelry designer here in Dallas. I checked it out online and have absolutely fallen in love with her Blue Turquoise Nugget Ring. I may have to copy Casey :)

Happy Shopping, friends!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes.

I decided a few months ago that I should start blogging. Working in public relations, it seems like all the cool kids have a blog, so I probably should, too. I am thankful that I am in a profession that allows me to do a lot of writing, and this is going to be another outlet for my guiltiest pleasure--or second guiltiest pleasure, if I'm really honest with myself (the first being spray tanning, obviously).

For those of you who know me well, you know that my life has changed a lot in the last couple of months. I relocated to Dallas and have started over in many ways! It has been a wonderful change of pace. One of the things that hasn't changed is the fact that I, hands down, have the most amazing friends and family in the world! I don't know what I would do without them.

Speaking of family and friends...On Saturday, I had my first Parrot Head experience. Yes, I joined the masses at the Jimmy Buffett concert.

My (beautiful, funny, stylish) older sister, Valerie, and her (handsome and equally stylish) husband, Will, invited me to join their group for the festivities. They have been making the annual journey into Margaritaville for the past few years. Even though I didn't have a ticket I decided I would join them for tailgating and take the chance that I might be able to buy a ticket from someone before the show.

Low and behold, 30 minutes before the concert their friend Ben and I scored floor tickets from some random guy. We had an incredible time and Jimmy did not disappoint! He really has something going there. To be able to put on essentially the same show year after year and have no one complain would really be the ultimate place to be for a musician, I would think. It was fun running into a lot of old and new friends.

Looking forward to the possibility of the putting my fins up again next spring!